Novi Constmach 100-150 tph Mobile Sand Making Plant | Portable VSI Crusher pokretno postrojenje za drobljenje

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Kontakti prodavca

The mobile sand making machine is engineered to process a wide range of raw materials, including granite, basalt, dolomite, gabbro, and limestone. Its ability to handle different hardness levels ensures that the end product meets the highest quality standards. One of its key advantages is its capability to operate with both pre-crushed materials from primary and secondary crushing stages and directly with natural stone up to 35 mm in size.
With a production capacity of 100-150 tph, the mobile vertical shaft crusher provides consistent performance across different job sites. The flexibility to produce up to three different fractions simultaneously makes it an invaluable addition to any crushing and screening operation. Its advanced features, such as a user-friendly automation system and remote-controlled PLC operation, simplify the crushing process and increase efficiency. If you are looking for a mobile vertical shaft crusher for sale, the V-70 model stands out with its high performance and reliability while maintaining a competitive mobile sand making machine price.
V-70 Mobile Sand Making Machine Technical Specifications
Production Capacity: 100-150 tph
Maximum Feeding Size: 35 mm
Feeding Height: 4.5 meters
Main Configuration: Feeding Hopper + VSI Crusher + Vibrating Screen
Total Motor Power: 170 kW
Electric Generator Requirement: 400 kVA
Weight of the Plant: 32,000 kg
Sizes of the Plant: 17.8 (L) x 3.35 (W) x 4.5 (H) meters
Chassis Type: Single chassis on wheels, equipped with hydraulic opening legs
Why Choose the V-70 Mobile Vertical Shaft Crusher from Constmach?
Constmach is a leading manufacturer of high-quality crushing and screening equipment, offering cutting-edge solutions tailored to meet customer needs. The V-70 mobile sand making machine is designed with durability and efficiency in mind, utilizing top-tier components and advanced engineering to ensure long-term performance. Its ease of transportation and quick setup time make it an excellent choice for contractors and businesses that require mobility without compromising on production capacity.
Another key advantage of the mobile vertical shaft crusher is its integration of a Siemens-Schneider electronic automation system, enabling smooth operation with minimal manual intervention. The plant's structure is designed to comply with international road transport regulations, making it easy to move between different job sites using a single tractor with a king-pin connection. Optional features such as hydraulic-opening stockpile conveyors and an integrated diesel-electric generator further enhance its adaptability.
For businesses looking to invest in a reliable, cost-effective, and high-performance crushing solution, the constmach v-70 mobile sand making machine delivers exceptional value. Its robust design, superior sand production quality, and user-friendly operation ensure that it remains a preferred choice among industry professionals. If you are searching for a mobile sand making machine for sale, this model provides a competitive balance of efficiency and affordability.