Tiemme PT42 paletizator

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Kontakti prodavca

Used Palletizer TIEMME PT42 up to 3000 bph
Introduction to the Used Palletizer TIEMME PT42 up to 3000 bph
This specific palletizer exemplifies advanced mechanization in the bottling industry. TIEMME Automazioni manufactured this model and introduced it in 2000. Subsequently, they overhauled it significantly in 2015 and upgraded its electrical panel in 2023, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining the equipment with modern technologies.
Capacity and Versatility
This palletizer achieves a capacity of 3000 bottles per hour (BPH), marking remarkable efficiency for medium-scale operations. Moreover, it handles formats ranging from 200×200 mm to 400×400 mm, adjustable through the configuration of the gripping jaws. There are 3 typologies of grippers included in the machine that can adapt it to various typologies of formats. Thus, it showcases the machine’s versatility to meet various production needs.
Location and Operational Status
The palettizer is integrated with all necessary safety protections active and documented maintenance available. Furthermore, technical manuals update the staff on operations and maintenance, ensuring safe and efficient use.
Container Handling and Features
The Palletizer accommodates various types of containers, such as boxes, bundles, and bricks. Additionally, neck gripping technology with clamps supports this versatility, optimizing it for securely and stably handling loads. The model lacks a sheet laying system and a pallet storage, though it offers the latter as an optional addition, providing flexibility for integration with existing storage systems.
Technological Specifications
Technologically, the palletizer features a Siemens S7-1500 PLC and a Siemens KTP700 human-machine interface, both known for their reliability and ease of programming. The machine’s compact dimensions (3250x2800x3500 mm) and its energy consumption of 12.5 Kw at 400 VAC with a frequency of 50 Hz render it an energy-efficient option. Consequently, it stands as a sustainable choice for many facilities.
Conclusion of the Used Palletizer TIEMME PT42 up to 3000 bph
In conclusion, this Palletizer not only meets the advanced automation needs of bottling operations but also offers a flexible, high-capacity solution essential for optimizing production processes and reducing operational costs. The availability of spare parts and ongoing support from TIEMME Automazioni ensure this palletizer remains a vital and reliable component for any production facility. Additionally, its consistent performance and adaptability underline its value in a competitive market.
Speed: 3000 BPH
Measurements: Width: 2800mmLength: 3250mm Height: 3500 mm
Electrical data: V: 400Vkw: 12.5kwhz: 50hz
Safety features: Yes
Manuals: Yes
Product type: Carton
Palletizer Type: Robotic
Type of operation: Rotating arm
Type of Handling: By the neck with bars
Supported pallet dimensions: Cp2 800x1200 mm, 1000 X 1000 mm
brand: Tiemme