Kleemann MS15Z-AD EVO Tracked Screen Plant druga građevinska oprema

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Kontakti prodavca

The unit comes with 3461 working hours.
Technical Details:
Screening Capacity: Equipped with a double-deck screen box, the MS15Z-AD EVO boasts a screening surface area of 15.75 square meters, ensuring efficient processing of large volumes of material.
Power and Efficiency: Powered by a robust diesel engine, this machine delivers consistent and reliable performance across various applications, from soil and gravel to coal and sand.
Transport Dimensions: With a transport length of 15.33 meters, width of 2.9 meters, and height of 3.4 meters, and a weight of 34 tons, the MS15Z-AD EVO is designed for ease of transport and setup.
User-Friendly Features: The MS15Z-AD EVO includes hydraulic folding for quick setup and breakdown, remote control operation for ease of use, and customizable screen media options to meet your specific needs.
Versatility: This mobile screening plant is perfect for a wide range of materials and applications, making it a versatile addition to any operation.
= Weitere Informationen =
Typ: Siebanlage
Baujahr: 2018
CE-Kennzeichnung: ja
Seriennummer: K0470476
Produktionsår: 2018
CE-mærke: ja
Serienummer: K0470476
The unit comes with 3461 working hours.
Technical Details:
Screening Capacity: Equipped with a double-deck screen box, the MS15Z-AD EVO boasts a screening surface area of 15.75 square meters, ensuring efficient processing of large volumes of material.
Power and Efficiency: Powered by a robust diesel engine, this machine delivers consistent and reliable performance across various applications, from soil and gravel to coal and sand.
Transport Dimensions: With a transport length of 15.33 meters, width of 2.9 meters, and height of 3.4 meters, and a weight of 34 tons, the MS15Z-AD EVO is designed for ease of transport and setup.
User-Friendly Features: The MS15Z-AD EVO includes hydraulic folding for quick setup and breakdown, remote control operation for ease of use, and customizable screen media options to meet your specific needs.
Versatility: This mobile screening plant is perfect for a wide range of materials and applications, making it a versatile addition to any operation.
= More information =
Type: Grading plant
Year of manufacture: 2018
CE mark: yes
Serial number: K0470476
The unit comes with 3461 working hours.
Technical Details:
Screening Capacity: Equipped with a double-deck screen box, the MS15Z-AD EVO boasts a screening surface area of 15.75 square meters, ensuring efficient processing of large volumes of material.
Power and Efficiency: Powered by a robust diesel engine, this machine delivers consistent and reliable performance across various applications, from soil and gravel to coal and sand.
Transport Dimensions: With a transport length of 15.33 meters, width of 2.9 meters, and height of 3.4 meters, and a weight of 34 tons, the MS15Z-AD EVO is designed for ease of transport and setup.
User-Friendly Features: The MS15Z-AD EVO includes hydraulic folding for quick setup and breakdown, remote control operation for ease of use, and customizable screen media options to meet your specific needs.
Versatility: This mobile screening plant is perfect for a wide range of materials and applications, making it a versatile addition to any operation.
= Más información =
Tipo: Máquina coladora
Año de fabricación: 2018
Marcado CE: sí
Número de serie: K0470476
Année de construction: 2018
Marquage CE: oui
Numéro de série: K0470476
The unit comes with 3461 working hours.
Technical Details:
Screening Capacity: Equipped with a double-deck screen box, the MS15Z-AD EVO boasts a screening surface area of 15.75 square meters, ensuring efficient processing of large volumes of material.
Power and Efficiency: Powered by a robust diesel engine, this machine delivers consistent and reliable performance across various applications, from soil and gravel to coal and sand.
Transport Dimensions: With a transport length of 15.33 meters, width of 2.9 meters, and height of 3.4 meters, and a weight of 34 tons, the MS15Z-AD EVO is designed for ease of transport and setup.
User-Friendly Features: The MS15Z-AD EVO includes hydraulic folding for quick setup and breakdown, remote control operation for ease of use, and customizable screen media options to meet your specific needs.
Versatility: This mobile screening plant is perfect for a wide range of materials and applications, making it a versatile addition to any operation.
= Meer informatie =
Type: Zeefinstallatie
Bouwjaar: 2018
CE markering: ja
Serienummer: K0470476
Rok produkcji: 2018
Oznaczenie CE: tak
Numer serii: K0470476
Ano de fabrico: 2018
Marca CE: sim
Número de série: K0470476
Год выпуска: 2018
Знак CE: да
Серийный номер: K0470476
Byggnadsår: 2018
CE-märkning: ja
Serienummer: K0470476